Lets Changing Brake Lines from caliper Without Losing Fluid

In vehicle ownership, at times, changing the brake lines from caliper without losing fluid seems to be complicated. But actually, that’s not too hard! You just need to know the successful way to do so.

That’s why we are just here to assist you with that query. To make your visit to our webpage more meaningful and get to know everyone, we will cover all the information you must know about how to remove or replace brake line from caliper without losing fluid. So, let us get started. 

How to remove or replace brake line from caliper without losing fluid?

While replacing the vehicles’ brake lines, many want to do the task without losing the brake fluid. 

To be honest with you, there is no realistic way to let you replace the brake lines without losing the brake fluid. The thing you can do is to minimize the brake fluid bleeding rather than lose more. 

To minimize the brake fluid loss while replacing the brake lines, you can use something to plug into the metal brake immediately after removing the hose. 

For example, you can use the below items successfully in this job. 

  • Vacuum plugs or caps 
  • Wooden golf tee

Here, we will cover a very successful trick, at least to minimize the loss. So, let’s move ahead to cover it up. 

Step 1: Jack Up The Vehicle

With jack stands, support the four corners of the vehicle securely. 

Step 2: Use A Vacuum To The Brake Master 

First, you want to ensure the brake reservoir cap is perfectly tight & on. You can use the vacuum to the top of the brake master cylinder reservoir. That way, the fluid will be drawn up to the pool rather than spilling out the hose when you disconnect it. 

Step 3: Disconnect The Battery 

You can also disconnect the battery, brake pedal switch, or stop lamp fuse to prevent loss of brake fluid. 

It will close the compensating port of the brake master cylinder and assist the brake fluid in staying put. 

Step 4: Steps In Replacing

  • Get your new brake line and make the necessary bends with the bending tool. 
  • Cut the new one to size, leaving some space for the flare. 
  • Install the brake line fittings on the flare and lines with a flare tool.
  • Once the fittings are kept in place, install the new brake line and secure the flared fittings. 
  • Now fill the brake master cylinder reservoir with brake fluid. Next, bleed the brake system to remove the air bubbles. 
  • You can also use a scan tool at the end of the task to ensure everything in the braking system is properly in its place. 

Read Also: How To Troubleshoot Brake Fluid Leaking From Rear Wheel?

Do You Have to Bleed Brake Fluid After Changing the Brake Lines?

After changing the brake lines, you must bleed the brake fluids, a crucial part of the replacement process. 

No matter how much you try to minimize the fluid loss while replacing the brake line, you must bleed it once the replacement is done. 

Because when you replace your vehicle’s brake lines, air comes in contact with the brake fluid. The brake fluid of the cars is hygroscopic. That means it absorbs moisture, especially when the fluid encounters the air. 

You know, this moisture in the brake fluid is terrible for vehicles. If moisture encounters the brake fluid, it will lower its boiling point. 

Moreover, the moisture itself will boil lower than the fluid. As a result, steam will form in the system, condensing down more air and moisture in each cycle. 

The air and the moisture of the brake lines less the effectiveness of the brake fluid. In cold weather, the line can freeze down, which prevents the brake fluid from activating the brake in time and adequately. 

More than that, the air causes corrosion and rust, leading your vehicle’s brakes to stick and even blow out the brake lines, even if everything looks fine from the outside. 

Due to all these reasons, it is recommended to bleed the brake fluid or not to reuse it after replacing the brake lines and to have the brakes more responsive. 

Bleeding of the brake fluid will assist in eliminating the air bubbles which come in contact with the fluid while replacing the lines. 

Besides, automotive experts recommend replacing the brake fluid every 36,000 to 50,000 miles or 2 to 3 years.

Read Also: Does Brake Fluid Leak When Car Is Off? Explained

Tips for a Successful Brake Line Replacement

Replacing the brake lines is a simple but challenging task as you work with an essential vehicle system. That’s why here are some tips to make the replacement journey successful. 

  • While disconnecting the connection, ensure not to crank too much as it can bend the metal lines. 
  • You can use penetrating oil to loosen the stuck fittings. 
  • Ensure to disconnect the brake lines without damaging the mounting clips. 
  • Must cut the new brake pipes along the length to the same as the old ones. Compare the new brake line with the old one before hooking it up in its place.  
  • To ease the brake fluid bleeding while replacing any part of the brake system, some use a set of pinch-off pliers to pinch the brake lines. 
  • But Never Do That! Brake lines are made of steel threads, and by using the thing, you make a bend or break the wires of the brake lines inside it, resulting in an immediate blockage or leak or later.
  • When bleeding the brakes, wait until you notice fluid coming from the bleed cap. You should do the bleeding perfectly in case done incorrectly and the braking system will not work. 

If you are getting the replacement of the brake lines done by the experts, ensure they are

  • ASE certified mechanics 
  • It provides you with a service warranty &
  • Use high-quality parts for replacement. 

Read Also: What Causes Brake Fluid Leaking From Caliper Bolt?(Fix Now)

Safety Precautions While Changing Brake Lines

Replacing the brake lines of your car is part of the brake system. It is an intermediate project that must require some know-how. 

So, if you do not have any knowledge or do not have training in the braking system or do not have to not work with the braking system, better not to take the risk of an experiment of replacing it. 

Brakes are optimal for the vehicle’s safety, so there is no room for any mistakes. If the repair is done improperly, it will cause severe harm to you, your car, and others. 

More importantly, an accident can occur. So please proceed with the caution of replacing the brake lines. 

  • Always move ahead to the task with accurate and proper tools and knowledge. 
  • After replacing the brake lines must bleed the brake fluid to eliminate the air bubbles. 
  • Do not add any other fluid to the brake system of your vehicle. Any other fluid, like petroleum-based fluid, will damage the braking system. So, you will not be able to brake properly.
  • It is best to trust the expertise of a professional to do the task. 

Read Also: Brake Fluid Leaking Under Middle of Car | What to Check?

FAQS About Changing Brake Lines Without Losing Fluid

It will be best to let you get the answers to the most searched queries that you seek answers to in different forums. Here they are for your kind consideration.

What to do after replacing a brake line?

After replacing a brake line of your vehicle: Reattach the fittings at the junction, master cylinder & brake hoses. Refill the master cylinder. Start bleeding the brake fluid with an assistant to evacuate the air from the newly installed brake lines. Then you should spray the braking cleaner.

How tight should a brake caliper banjo bolt be?

The torque of a brake caliper banjo bolt should be 96 to 120 in-lbs while installing a new crush washer in your vehicle. Its torque should not exceed 144 lbs. Besides, you should not lubricate the bolts. 

How many hours does it take to replace brake lines?

If you have previous experience, replacing your vehicle’s brake lines is an easy and straightforward process. With the help of the mechanics, replacing the process will take about one or two hours. They will either replace the old brake lines with a new one or splice the lousy part & replace it. 

Is replacing brake lines expensive?

Replacing the brake lines is relatively inexpensive and will cost several hundred dollars, depending on the damages. It can cost you about $250 to $500 to replace the brake lines with a new one depending on the model of car that you drive. 

What happens if a brake line fails?

When the brake line fails, the fluid starts leaking. As a result, the fluid can’t reach the calipers due to pressure loss. Warning lights will come on, and you’ll also become aware of the situation because you’ll unexpectedly lose the ability to stop or slow down.

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